Barcode and QR code reader integrated into the browser search bar.Its ad-blocking is effective and helps to achieve faster web loading.Use Opera VPN during browsing to improve the security and privacy of the user by replacing the IP address with a virtual one.Just take a look at the most important functions and features: The browsing experience is much richer than simply visiting web pages. Opera is a fast and secure browser for your Android device and includes a news feed and an integrated ad blocker VPN. Not surprisingly, some of its features have been imitated by Google and Mozilla browsers. Opera APK offers the features and functions that have made it year after year an excellent tool used by millions of Internet users. The smartphone version of one of the best web browsers Opera APK has its origins in Norway and has come a long way since its first version: it appeared in 1995 and since then, it has been adapted and adjusted to the different changes that the web has undergone.
However, you also have the possibility to download Opera Android. The so-called browser war is not a browser war: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are undisputedly dominant, with versions for all major platforms and the largest market share.